General conditions

These General Terms and Conditions govern the use of the website and the use of the online shopping service via the website

In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, the terms listed below have the following meanings:

"Pineli & Vino – Art Bottega." means the company Art Bottega j.d.o.o. for services and trade with its registered office in Split, Vukovarska 13, entered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Split, OIB: 19317756799, MBS: 05444489;

"Website" means the website which is the property of Art Bottega.

"User" represents any fully capable person, legal or natural, who has registered to use the online shopping service on the website. Art Bottega bears no responsibility for false representation as well as for any action contrary to this provision.

"Consumer" is a natural person who, as a buyer, concludes a Purchase Agreement with Art Bottega as a seller outside of his economic or professional activity.

"Trader" is a legal or natural person who independently and permanently carries out economic activity for the purpose of making a profit through the production, sale of goods or provision of services on the market.

"Internet shopping service" is a service that allows registered users to purchase products from the seller Art Bottega via this website.

"Product" represents all products/services that are highlighted on the website and that can be purchased via the Internet shopping service.

"Price" represents the final price in kuna (HRK) for a particular product or service, or a certain quantity of products, including taxes and other public charges. Delivery costs are not included in the price.

"Purchase Agreement" means the contract for the purchase of products between the user and Art Bottega, concluded when Art Bottega receives a valid order for products from the user.

"A valid order" is any order with all accurate and complete data and for which the user has made a payment to the Art Bottega account and which payment is recorded in the Art Bottega account no later than 48 hours after sending the order.

By accessing the website via an appropriate technical means and using them, each User undertakes to comply with these General Terms and Conditions and agrees to be subject to their provisions. All data on the website is presented for informational purposes only and in good faith. Art Bottega j.d.o.o. is the Organizer of the event (events) Pineli & Vino – Art Bottega, (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer) as well as the owner of the brand itself. Reservations and sales of tickets for the event are made through this online shop. A ticket is an object, information or digital good that allows entry to the event for which it was purchased through the sales channels offered. Art Bottega j.d.o.o. guarantees the security of the system and the validity of tickets purchased exclusively through the official sales channels advertised on our website. All types of tickets that Art Bottega j.d.o.o. offers are used in such a way that the first person to use the ticket has the opportunity to enter, unless it is a personalized ticket that is linked to the name and surname of an individual buyer, when the buyer can confirm their identity at any time by viewing a public document. The sales channels for the event are this online store and the box office at the venue. Depending on the needs of the Organizer, tickets may also be sold outside the designated sales channels. The Organizer reserves the right to change the program and subsequently change the ticket price.

Terms of use

By placing an order via the website, you agree to these General Terms and Conditions.

The general terms and conditions are an integral part of the contract and relate to the ordering, payment, delivery, cancellation and complaint procedures for products offered on our website. The point of sale is located in the Republic of Croatia.

By purchasing a ticket, the event visitor accepts the terms and conditions of use of the ticket as well as the rules of conduct at the event venue determined by Art Bottega j.d.o.o. By purchasing a ticket, the buyer, or visitor, unconditionally accepts the following: the ticket cannot be returned or exchanged after purchase; upon leaving the event venue, the ticket ceases to be valid unless otherwise specified by the Organizer; due to failure to comply with the rules of conduct and misuse of the ticket, the visitor may be removed from the event venue without the right to any compensation; the buyer may not fold, crease, manipulate the computer or in any other way alter tickets printed on paper or distributed electronically in such a way as to damage or alter the linear or 2D code for automatic verification of the ticket's validity located on the ticket; Art Bottega j.d.o.o. is not responsible for problems arising from damage and alteration of the linear and 2D code and/or other mechanical damage to the ticket after purchase; The buyer is obliged to keep the tickets in a safe place until the moment of entry to the event and to protect them from unauthorized copying; Art Bottega j.d.o.o. is not responsible for damage caused by loss, theft, forgery and unauthorized copying of the ticket - every identical copy of the ticket, whether printed on paper or distributed electronically, is valid, so that entry to the event will be allowed only to the first person who uses the ticket, and subsequent complaints are not possible. In the event of a delay to the event, the Organizer will preserve the place that the buyer has reserved and paid for.

Limitations and responsibilities

When using the Website, Users are required to provide accurate, valid and complete personal data, especially when filling out the registration form. Failure to do so entitles Art Bottega to deny such a user access or to deny them the realization of all or part of the services or products offered to them. By registering on the Website, the User confirms that he/she fully accepts these General Terms and Conditions, guarantees the completeness, accuracy, truthfulness and up-to-dateness of personal data. Registration or user account is created for one person only and it is not permitted to communicate registration or user account data to third parties. The User is obliged to keep his/her security password and user account data confidential. The use of someone else's registration or user account is not permitted. The User is also responsible for all unauthorized activities authorized and carried out under his/her username and/or password if he/she has not previously notified Art Bottega of unauthorized use of his/her username and/or password (or suspicion thereof). Art Bottega is not responsible for delays in delivery, or any problems that arise due to incorrect or inaccurate User data. It is also not responsible for damages incurred if the User forgets their password, or if it becomes known to a third party. Changing data is possible after logging in, where you can also view information about active orders. Art Bottega is not responsible for damages and malfunctions caused by changes to registered data.

By using the Website, the User is granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to use the contents of the Website for personal viewing purposes. The User undertakes not to use the Website in any way that is contrary to applicable laws, and not to enter any content on the Website or distribute via the Website that is contrary to applicable laws, or to change, delete or destroy any data on the Website.

The user in particular does not have the right to download, reproduce, modify, edit, distribute, display, delete, send, sell, resell, adapt, change the content, create derivatives, include on other websites or media or use in any way except for personal purposes for home use.

Documents, data and information published on the website may not be reproduced, distributed or used in any way for commercial purposes without the express consent of Art Bottega or in any way that may cause damage to Art Bottega or any third party.

The product photos shown on the website are for illustrative purposes only and may not always correspond in all details to the actual appearance and content of the product. Given the possibility of individual adjustment of computer monitors, differences in the perception of product color by the human eye and similar variables, Art Bottega does not guarantee complete conformity of the colors of the delivered products with the colors as seen by users on their monitor screen. In the event of the above-mentioned discrepancy between the product shown in the photo and the delivered product, this is not a defect in the product and therefore does not constitute grounds for returning the product.

Art Bottega fully disclaims any liability that may arise in any way from or is in any way related to the use of the Website, and for any damage that may occur to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of the Website. Art Bottega also disclaims any liability for damage that may occur to devices that enable access to the Website and data stored on the same devices when using the Website, if the same arose due to illegal actions of third parties, computer viruses and the like, and other cases for which it is not responsible.

Art Bottega does not bear any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any position, opinion, advice, or statement published on the Website. Art Bottega also does not bear any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by the user as a result of the user relying on information obtained through the Website. Users assume full responsibility for assessing the quality, accuracy, usefulness, or completeness of any information, assessment, position, opinion, advice, or other content available through the Website.

The website may contain documents, data, information and links to third-party websites. The said websites are not owned by Art Bottega, nor does Art Bottega have control over the said documents, data, information or other websites and fully disclaims any responsibility, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness and availability of the content on websites created by third parties. Art Bottega disclaims any responsibility for any content displayed on such third-party websites, as well as for any products or services acquired through such third-party websites. Accordingly, these Terms of Use do not apply to the use of the said websites for any purpose. Visiting these websites is entirely at the User's own risk and Art Bottega bears no responsibility for such conduct.

Art Bottega reserves the right to prevent access to IP addresses (i.e. users) from which actions are taken contrary to these Terms and Conditions, and will not bear any liability on this basis.

Purchase and payment

Possible forms of payment on the website are:

Payment by general payment order; Payment upon arrival, Payment by credit and debit cards: Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, American.

If you choose to pay by general payment order, when creating an order, you will receive a pro forma invoice with all the information required for payment, including the account number to which you need to pay the value of the order. You can then make the payment using internet banking or the method you normally pay your bills - via bank, post office, etc. After payment has been made, your order will be considered a valid order if all information has been entered correctly and completely, after which we will begin processing it. If payment is not properly received within 48 hours of sending the order, your order will not be considered valid nor will it bind Art Bottega in any way.

If you choose to pay by credit or debit card, the payment is considered completed at the moment of authorization by the card issuer. After payment, your order will be considered a valid order if all data is entered correctly and completely, after which we will begin processing it. If payment is not properly received within 48 hours of sending the order, your order will not be considered valid and will not bind Art Bottega in any way.

STATEMENT ON THE USE OF THE WSPay SYSTEM The Art Bottega website uses WSPay for online payments. WSPay is a secure online payment system, real-time payments, credit and debit cards and other payment methods. WSPay ensures the secure entry and transmission of entered card data for both the buyer and the merchant, which is confirmed by the PCI DSS certificate that WSPay has. WSPay uses a 256-bit SSL certificate and the TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest levels of protection for entry and transmission of data.

The WS Pay system takes care of the payment method and security, as well as the protection of personal data when paying with credit and debit cards, and you can find out more details here. here.

ORDERING PHYSICAL PACKAGES The invoice will be included in the package (or in one of the packages if the ordered goods are delivered in multiple packages), unless the delivery address is different from the buyer's address. In this case, the invoice will be sent by e-mail to the buyer's address. Regardless of the payment method you have chosen, after you have made the payment and completed the order, you will receive an e-mail with the order confirmation to the e-mail address you previously entered. As soon as we prepare your order for delivery, you will receive a notification via e-mail, which will also contain a tracking code, with which you can find out where your shipment is at any time. On the day of delivery, the delivery service will send you an SMS message to the mobile phone number you left in the order. The message will contain information about the expected delivery date and the shipment number for the specified delivery.

ORDER TICKETS Depending on the payment method you choose and after all the necessary steps have been taken, the system will mark your order as completed. An invoice will be sent to the email address provided by the user during the purchase process, unless the delivery address is different from the buyer's address. In this case, the invoice will be sent by email to the address provided for invoice delivery. Regardless of the payment method you choose, after you make the payment and complete the order, you will receive an order confirmation email to the email address you previously entered.

Terms of delivery and delivery, complaints

PACKAGE DELIVERY (physical products) Orders via the website can be received every day from 0-24h. In the case of delivery of a physical product, delivery is made via a partner delivery service. All regular orders received on a working day (Monday - Friday) will be processed the same working day, and the shipment will be delivered no later than 2-5 working days. For regular orders received on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the shipment will be delivered no later than 7 working days. The delivery time for ordered shipments to islands and abroad or other locations depends on the specifics of transport to the specified locations. Product delivery is possible within the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the member states of the European Economic Area (EEA). Some of the products may not be delivered to all countries, due to specific import and customs legal provisions of individual countries. Accordingly, the user will be notified when creating an order, and before concluding it and making payment. If the user does not collect the product or refuses to collect the shipment without a valid reason, Art Bottega reserves the right to demand reimbursement of handling, transportation and other possible costs.

TICKETS DELIVERY Tickets are delivered to the buyer via e-mail to the address entered upon purchase. The payment receipt is valid as a ticket. Art Bottega j.d.o.o. is not liable for any damage caused by entering the e-mail address incorrectly or due to the inability to deliver the ticket due to technical problems on the part of the e-mail service provider. Once you have successfully saved the electronic ticket to your computer, print it out on a standard sheet of paper. Please do not cut out the ticket as the ticket is only valid if the sheet of paper on which the ticket is printed is undamaged. Keep the ticket in a safe place until the day of the event for which the ticket is valid, as entry to the event is granted only to the first person to use the copy of the ticket. When arriving at the event venue, use the ticket in the same way as a traditional printed ticket or follow the instructions of the organizer.

CONSUMER'S RIGHT TO UNILATERALLY TERMINATE THE CONTRACT (physical products) The contract that the consumer enters into with Art Bottega for the sale of products and services is a one-time contract for the purchase and sale of products or services that is consummated by the delivery of the products by Art Bottega j.d.o.o. and by the payment made by the user, in case it is not terminated. Pursuant to the Law on Consumer Protection, Article 72, Paragraph 1, any contract concluded through remote communication (online shopping) can be unilaterally terminated by the consumer, without giving reasons, within 14 working days from the day the product was delivered . The consumer does not have to state a reason for terminating the contract, but must notify Art Bottega within a period of 14 working days via a permanent medium of his decision to terminate the contract - via the form for unilateral termination of the contract or through any other unequivocal statement expressing his will to terminate the contract, sent by mail to the address: Art Bottega j.d.o.o., Art Bottega j.d.o.o. Vukovarska 13, 21 000 Split or e-mail address: In the event of unilateral termination of the contract, each party is obliged to return to the other what it received under the contract, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act. After we receive the correct completed form, we will notify you of receipt of the declaration of termination on a durable medium, and we will refund the payment after the goods are returned to us (no later than 7 working days from the day you informed us of your decision to terminate the contract). In this case, the consumer is, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, except for that which was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. Products returned by the consumer must be in good condition, unopened, unused and in the original packaging. Otherwise, and if they are not delivered within the above deadline, it is considered that the consumer has not fulfilled their obligation to return the goods and we are not obliged to refund the funds paid in full, but an assessment of the product's value reduction may be made. Likewise, the consumer does not have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if the subject of the contract is perishable goods or goods that expire quickly. The consumer is obliged to bear the direct costs of returning the goods if he exercises his right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

RIGHT TO COMPLAINT (physical products) The trader has the right to make a complaint about visible defects if he/she makes a complaint about product defects without delay, and no later than three (3) calendar days from the date of delivery of the product. Visible defects include, for example: incorrect label, incorrect packaging, packaging defects - labels, incorrect color, incorrect dimensions, delivery of a product that was not ordered and all other defects that can be detected by a normal inspection of the item. The trader has the right to make a complaint about product defects due to hidden defects (defects that could not be detected by a normal inspection when taking over the item) if he/she makes a complaint about product defects without delay, and no later than three (3) calendar days from the date of discovery of the product defect, if the complaint is made within the period prescribed by the Law on Obligations from the date of delivery of the product. By signing the receipt of the shipment, the trader confirms that he/she inspected the shipment upon receipt and that the shipment was received without any external visible damage, and that it quantitatively and qualitatively corresponds to the products listed on the attached invoice. The consumer has the right to complain in the event of visible and/or hidden defects within the terms prescribed by the applicable Obligatory Relations Act.

COMPLAINT PROCEDURE (physical products) The user must announce a complaint about the purchased products with a statement or complaint form, which must be submitted by mail or electronically to the address: Art Bottega j.d.o.o. Vukovarska 13, 21 000 Split or e-mail address: The user, in all cases when making a product complaint, is obliged to return the returned product to Art Bottega complete, in the condition in which it was delivered and in the original packaging. The costs of returning the product are borne by the user, and the return is made by delivery to the address specified in the Complaint Form. If the product has a defect, the customer has the right to terminate the contract and refund, replace the product, remove the defect or reduce the price. Based on the complaint request, Art Bottega will refund the funds to the user to the account specified by the user in the request or replace the product with a new one within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the returned product to the address specified on the complaint form. If it is determined without a doubt that the complaint about the product is unjustified or that the defectiveness of the ordered product occurred due to inadequate handling or use, then the company Art Bottega točka d.o.o. is not obliged to refund the money or deliver a replacement product. The advertised product will be returned to the user at his expense with a written explanation of the reason for not accepting the return or exchange request. If the user has not received the ordered and paid for product, he is obliged to report this within eight (8) calendar days from the day of expected arrival of the ordered product via the complaint form or via the contacts published on the website. Within that period, Art Bottega is obliged to determine what happened to the claimed shipment, and to inform the user about the further resolution of the claim.

Complaints cannot be submitted by phone. COMPLAINTS; RETURNS AND COMPENSATION – TICKETS Once a ticket has been purchased, it cannot be returned. All orders and ticket purchases made online are binding and cannot be cancelled or subsequently changed. In the event of cancellation or change of the event schedule or/and in the event of interruption of the event due to unforeseen circumstances, the issued ticket can be: replaced with a ticket for another event of the buyer's choice or with a special gift from Art Bottega j.d.o.o. or request a refund. Tickets can only be replaced by communication via the official e-mail address of Art Bottega j.d.o.o., i.e., with presentation of the ticket for the event that was not held. Refunds due to cancellation or change of the schedule or/and in the event of interruption of the event due to unforeseen circumstances are made exclusively by the means of payment used to purchase the ticket (in the case of payment by card, to the card used to purchase the ticket).

EU platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) you can access here.

OTHER TERMS OF USE OF TICKETS The event visitor agrees to be recorded audio and video without restriction as part of the audience. It is prohibited to bring audio and video recording equipment to the event, as well as drinks, food, bottles, cans, weapons, pyrotechnics and any other items that may endanger the safety of visitors or are prohibited by the event organizer.


In accordance with Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 41/14, 110/15), any user of the website may express their dissatisfaction with the purchased product or service provided by submitting a written complaint, whereby the Art Bottega company will confirm receipt of the complaint in writing. You can send the complaint by post or e-mail to the following address: Art Bottega j.d.o.o. Vukovarska 13, 21 000 Split or e-mail address:

Art Bottega, as a seller, is obliged to respond in writing within 15 days of receiving the complaint. In order for Art Bottega to confirm receipt of the written complaint and then respond to it, in accordance with Article 10, paragraph 5 of the Consumer Protection Act, the user must provide accurate information for receiving the complaint. You can download the written complaint form here.

Age restrictions

The sale, serving, and consumption of alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 18 is prohibited in all premises or events organized by Art Bottega.

Competent court and applicable law

All disputes that may arise based on these General Terms and Conditions will be resolved before the competent court in Split.

The applicable law for all Purchase Agreements concluded through purchases on this website is the law of the Republic of Croatia.

Change of general conditions

Art Bottega is authorized, without prior notice, to change the content of these General Terms and Conditions, the range of products and services, other information related to the online store, as well as all other content of the website, subject to public publication on the website, and for this reason, users are obliged to review the content of the website in question each time they visit it. Failure to do so releases Art Bottega from any liability. For online purchases, the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of ordering the product are valid.